The Benefits of Sex

1: the heart
You watch the guy in the form of obedience to any created being. Queen's University Queen's University: a study in men who have sex three or more times a week can cut their risk of heart attack in half. According to the same research possibilities of your man suffering from stroke to regular rmpus will halve.

2: weight loss
It shot off the work treadmill kerspes rice without treatment. A 30-minute role in the dry Burns 200 calories.

3: forgiveness
Kick winter to prevent it. Oalcas University researchers have only one or two times a week sex in Pennsylvania immune system increases by 30% that can be found.

4: relaxation
To stop irritability. Iolin rish, M.P.H., certified nurse, midwife, and Canyon Ranch Spa in lanon, Director of healthcare in Massachusetts say ", touch nerve stimulation".

5: Sleeps
Get a bit more z ' s physical massage to release some of the pages on the back side dance he probably andorfans.

6: urine control
Lose a DVD Marathon without constant bathroom breaks, "he says. Have mercy, have mercy, bladder and bowel, muscle, which support gender neutral tones better pee control means.

7: be yourself
Some of the more risqué expressed emotions and behavior — aggression, dominance in the rest of his bed as well. (You can say S & M?)

8: stress relief
Seriously angry? Close your head instead of your voice yelling, is to save and sex. This is a great way to release stress.

9: later on, get more sex
Use it or lose it. Davis, author of the sex starved wife marriage therapist Michael oiner said: "the more you have sex, the more likely you are to continue to create a daring, primary will be Hormones responsible for sexual desire. "

10: healthy teeth
Your pearly whites is protected by stepping up to the MIC. Mini in zinc, calcium and other minerals in fighting tooth decay contains is proven. (Only in trace amounts, but who's counting?)

11: pain relief
No pain, all gain as well. Right after your big o, you practically swimming avitokan (we are talking very seriously increase) will be in.Andorfans, which help alleviate joint pain release loads of And hallilogh! Menstrual pain.

12: slow down aging
Go to the boton. David weeks, Royal Edinburgh hospital neurovisaologa sprioong in his book the secrets of M.D., Scotland writes: "If you have an active sex life the aging process."

13: regular periods
Aunt flow, we have the meeting again. Andokeranolugusts Columbia and Stanford universities that women who have sex at least once a week and more regular but those who did it once I do a moon called.

14: confidence
Feel the power. San Francisco sex therapist sandor gardos, PhD, founder of miplesari, says that "when things go well in bed and you're good to your partner." Com, "you feel more confident and powerful From other parts of your life. "

15: cancer prevention
Give your child a helping hand. According to the American Medical Association Journal, the less likely he is to produce more ejaculate, heavy cancer.

16: happiness
Sex makes you more than the sum of the National Bureau of economic research to build self esteem, according to a recent study by. Which included an additional $ 100,000 annually to celebrate marriage hampang regular money on the same level as for thought.

17: labor to perhaps
When you can have sex in terms of Labor's motion. Rish said the "mini contains prostglindance". "When they're against gonorrhea prostglindance this branch and help build natural labor.

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